Monday, March 16, 2009

I hate winter.

...unless I am on alps skiing, sleeping on a white fur near a fireplace (Bond style) and drinking jagger-tee. Thus, a touch of freshness with completely new skins.
FLEURS, available as gift in the Lucky Fortune teller, base is the work I started 5 months ago, wanting to enrich and, in my opinion, develop Fallen Gods human skins. This is what will soon come in 6 , maybe more, tones for each gender with the usual choice of 12-15 makeups. Wish me good luck, a lot of inspiration, time available and no distractions (which lately are quite high, it's spring..hormons, such...)
Anyway...hope you like them!Hahhahah, and find your match, hell!
Love you Fallens,
(A vid, summer is near, ready to live again)

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