Sunday, March 11, 2012

Petites, male.

Male Petite Elves released, and they have a New Kingdom too. We rebuilt it with a more spacious area and petite friendly sized, with a chilling area and clear layout, we hope you'll enjoy. I also wish to thank deeply here Elizabeth, Sharni and Marcus for their essential help and managing to make the reopening and male release smooth, fun and busy this weekend. Yabu unfortunately couldn't make it for the opening, but he was with us anyway the whole time as we watch his little creatures. Here's the slurl if you wish to visit:
Give those guys some sugar.

I got a lot of questions lately concerning my creations, some having the impression I am not doing anymore skins, or builds, or what I always did in those 4 years and more, well fact is the petites did keep me busy, not only being something I have to follow constantly in its development but also as a new challenge on texturing, not allowing me to use the work I already did but having to recreate all skins from 0, not to mention the Kingdom reopening and collaborative efforts the whole petite idea requires. Being in a team work finally is something great and refreshing for a lot of us labrats, but also takes time off from the creation time itself.
Also, as a few of you know already, I tend to work constantly on multiple projects to keep my creative interest alive; if I focus too much on one type of creation only I feel stagnant and stuck.
Soon there will be our yearly Fantasy Faire too so am preparing many things for it together with the build of the Tides sim for the Faire and a new release, and joining this... some very long term creations that are builds and furniture I never rush over, skinlines, tattoos, all in My pocket waiting that sparkle of attention to make them breath and alive.
I hope you'll enjoy what's next and to not disappoint you, till then.... enjoy a smaller world,

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