Friday, November 8, 2013

Let me lend you a hand, foot or boob.

Dear Fallen,
After  a year of following trends concerning mesh genetic attachments I came to the will and intentions of making appliers to enrich your experience in second life while allowing you to still use my creations.

Having created many editions of skins, tones and texturizing during the past six years you have to understand that starting to make appliers for each skin is a long and time consuming task. After some thoughts I came to an idea of proceeding trough my skin lines: Requests.

Before you think those are commissions let me explain you why I am offering you here a book to write your requests: to speed up the process in giving you access to appliers that are most used, knowing which skins and lines are currently popular with those that use appliers in general. Please write in the book of requests the following things to help me with the project: brand and model for which you need the applier (Ex. Slink, hands, male – Draco Carbon skin, smooth) Your name is automatically registered and your requests will be public, so to not have multiple requests.I won’t start doing appliers before December, this will allow me to see the most requested skin line and start from there, then slowly, very slowly, and with the time I am given, I will try to cover all of my lines, giving priority to new releases though.

Requests are not a guarantee that I’ll make the appliers the day after or as first, but be sure I will take them in consideration. Please also respect the fact I have some other more creative projects I want to give priority, so appliers will always fall in second row. Said all this, I look forward to help you achieve completeness.

Appliers I am currently accepting requests and plan to working on with creator packs ready are:
Slink, Lola Tango, Lotus, Sinful Needs. 
For now I am not planning any other brands, but will make known in case this changes. Thank you for supporting and liking my applier-less creations till now,

Applier request Book SLurl

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