Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Black Solaris Gacha

Black Because
November's doom is slowly clearing, as snow brightens the horizon, yule brings merry thoughts and warmth of holidays, it ends with a big boom.... Yes, Ladies and Gentledrows, your truly, this year , for the first time is going Black, and might never go back. Am announcing here my shameless participation to this weekend's Skin Addiction Black Friday Sale, with more than 50 skins 30% off and probably a touristic memorabilia for all to grab (Nov 28-30)

Solaris Because
Solaris is finally on sale, it's an exact replica of the Fortune's Edition and is available on the Marketplace, at the Temple, has the usual appliers and lots of Sunshine!
◆ Marketplace Link Solaris Female 
◆ Marketplace Link Solaris Male 
◆ Temple SLurl 

Gacha Because
Am participating at a Special Vintage Gacha Event just for this week (Nov 22-29) with my personal drawings and sketches Gacha I had at the Art Madpea event and am not usually having out, so if you were interested it's now out just for this duration. It's not an exclusive but I don't have it out as a permanent, keep it for special occasions. Hope you enjoy!
◆ November Vintage Gacha SLurl 

- Thanks for reading, happy beginning of Holidays -

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