Friday, March 20, 2020

We are all in this together

Please take the Covid-19 Pandemic seriously, please do not dare chances out of fear or under-estimate the gravity of the situation our world is in, it's already here, it's bad. I know it's hard to accept if your country is still lightly affected but it was also for Italy two weeks ago, and now there are processions of military trucks carrying out coffins, the death of a generation. I am struggling right now physically and mentally but I am trying to find my place in this, and perhaps the way I lift my spirit up is by improving our connection in our virtual world. The best thing you can do right now for the whole world and safety of everyone, your dear ones and a stranger in another continent, is to do: nothing.
I will stand up now, literally and figuratively, and challenge myself to bring you excitement and perspective by the incoming Fantasy Faire, as a way to bond and reunite despite all and touch each other's heart and limbs while all stuck on the bus. I am back and I am here and will do all I can to make this bearable for all of you, and myself.


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