Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Am honored to participate in a new event by Sollemne; Saturnalia. Always offering an amazing build and theme, inspiring and fascinating. Libertine brings you a themed Throne and a Yule gift of arazzi cushions. I hope you'll enjoy, 

The Throne is sold in two versions:
Redux / Offers single sits only, a texture change versions will be shipped with an Update in January.

Complete / A pre-order sale that offers you the Redux version included plus the Update in January with texture change options and the full adult menu.
Q: What the hell is this?
A: it’s a Pre-Order Purchase. 
Q: Why would I buy this?
A: if you are familiar with Libertine and look forward to the Adult Version this is for you. you will receive the redux version immediately and the Updated Adult Throne in January 2021

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