Saturday, May 1, 2021

The Rune Master

With the risk of the pawlice learning even more powerful magic and rune mastery, the Runes will return today after noon slt., with a special gift for everyone, for those that dare to touch the sacred light, and will remain until the end of the Faire.

TELEPORT to Valhalla

About the Rune Master
Dear Fairelander,
Every day of the Faire you will be able to search for two runes.12 days of Faire, 24 runes; join the sacred hunt, become a rune master with the knowledge and wisdom of the ancients. Valhalla welcomes you. Rune hints will appear daily in the great halls. Look for the current magic runes, click them and get a hint. With the hint explore Valhalla and find the giver rune. (past runes won’t be re-released)

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