It's almost Halloween and this week the Temple welcomes the return of the Halloween Lounge, with slime games, treats, new and old gifts, pie, unlucky chairs, slime cauldrons and dancing ghouls. Hope you enjoy!
- The Event lasts until Sunday November 3rd, midnight
- Scroll down for some previews
(20 Minutes span, All Prizes are Copy/No transfer)
NEW Scherzo, Beetlejuice Ed. BOM sluv/evox
Freakborn, Unlucky Ed. BOM sluv/evox
FALLENSTEIN Blood BOM sluv/evox
FALLENSTEIN Moonlight BOM sluv/evox
FALLENSTEIN Flamingo BOM sluv/evox
FALLENSTEIN Krampus BOM sluv/evox
FALLENSTEIN Smashed Pumpkins BOM sluv/evox
(15 minutes cooldown to try your luck, all prizes are transfer/no copy)
FALLENSTEIN 2010, BOM sluv - 137 pieces
HALLOWEEN HATS & TRINKETS, courtesy by Clover - 17 pieces
SKEERY WINDOWS, courtesy by Clover - 9 pieces
NEW HORROR GOGGLES, courtesy by Clover - 13 pieces
(3 minutes cooldown, All Prizes are transfer/no copy)
HAPPYZOMBIESTRIPPERS Bikinis 2011, BOM - 8 colors
HALLOWEEN & October 2024 Events
Fallen Gods Inc. & Libertine are participating in
Trick or Treat Lane, Gifts & New Releases /TELEPORT Shop and Hop, Gifts & Discounts / TELEPORT What's Lost Spirits Anniversary Hunt, Gifts
/ TELEPORTHarvest of Souls, Gifts & New Releases / TELEPORT We Love Roleplay, New Releases/ TELEPORT Halloween Sales, Gifts & Discounts/ TELEPORT
Halloween Events Gifts & Cheapies previews

Halloween Lounge Prize Previews
(Many more to discover on location)
(...also don't forget the pie with ahealthy cup of slime!)
Slime Cauldron & Apple Bob