You are officially invited to this year Fantasy Faire 2010 and support the American Cancer society throught Relay for Life in all the ways you feel able too, even a little can do much, remember that. The Fallen Gods Circus this year presence on Dark Realms, so we await your visit kindly. A lot will go on, from shows to simple improvisations and gatherings. And we hire clowns, ever thought of joining our band of nomads and live your life in a Circus? Clown skins and outfits are available, and all its proceeds for the Faire duration will go to RFL. Acrobat outfits are available to has the patience to find Fallen Gods Inc, 3 purple ribbons in the building and... show your might and strength with the Strongest Man Game for a unique outfit!
Remember: The Faire lasts till the 25th of april.
For any further information about Fantasy Faire check the official Website, there's entertainment, amazing creators and all for a good cause scattered through 9 sims, you officially cannto miss that!
Clown skins, each gender available in Fanged and Human, and 9 make ups for each.
Outfits for both genders, Augusto and bianco
Get your Acrobat Outfit by searching for 3 purple ribbons
And if this is not your style, you can always show your strength!
But if you are seeking for Uniqueness, then the Sigma Evolution skins are for you. Start to bid now to get this unique family line of skins.
SLURL to Fantasy Faire Dark Realms