Friday, March 2, 2018

The March of the Missing ones

The Temple is preparing for Spring, vanished creations are again blossoming on walls, and as the ice retires and melts, buds of new projects and events are showing up as accents of a future full of exciting visions and places. So come visit Selidor and see if the tattoo, skin, full avatar, Libertine detail you were waiting for is back and available. I will be updating the List on this post till the first days of April when I will be also back in Europe and in my home, successfully escaping this year's 5 months of cold and winter and recharging my inspiration, sleep, wanderlust and lust.

SLurl to the Temple

-List Updated on 2/3/18-

SILVER Draco, Pure, Scales, Oceanica, Blessed: Available in the Heavy Metals area, previous location of the Gold series
OPAL Pearl: Available in the Sidhe area
DRYADS Winter: Available in the Dryads area

TATTOOS & Face Tattoos
(All Tattoos available on the Tattoo Walls area and Face tattoos on the relative close by Stand)
Tarantula & Widow Tattoo
Breathless Tattoo
Venus AnatomicaTattoo
Brier Tattoo
Auspex Tattoo
Touch of a Lover Tattoo
Thorns Tattoo
Blood Bath Tattoo set and separates
Fallen Gold Royale Edition Tattoo
Fallen Silver Royale Edition Tattoo
Grom Face Tattoo

Mariposa Gacha available in the Gacha circle near Tattoos and Info Wall.
Vila Gacha available in the Gacha circle near Tattoos and Info Wall.
Discovery Gacha available in the Gacha circle near Tattoos and Info Wall.
Ars Anatomica Gacha available in the Libertine Sky Showroom.

FAIDA Sartoria Italiana Collaboration
Jolie Chasseuse Gacha available in Couture Area

Currently working on the sale release of past Fortunes Full Avatars and their updates.

Currently working on the coverage of all skin sets wit equally Omega and system demos plus Ads.

Ars Anatomica Gacha available in the Sky Showroom.

1 comment:

Constantine said...

I have been to this place several times. The perfect event starts with an extraordinary location, like this. Thanks to my friend for introducing me to these rental spaces for parties. I will definitely be coming back.