Sunday, April 24, 2022


Return to the Golden Delta for the festival of the Gods and fertility, Opet. The Fairelands have returned opening their realm doors once again for the next three weeks and are already vibrating with life, creativity, entertainment and solidarity. I hope to see you there,

Fallen Gods Inc. Releases
There is an often updated Schedule at the Temple in Opet where you can find all the info for what will come next, including Full Avatar releases, Petite releases, themed releases, Opet elements and details, Libertine furniture exclusives, Special Egg collectibles, Jail and Bail Event, Quest prizes and the soon incoming Thoth Apprentice daily hunt.

About the Faire
Everything you need to know is on the official website, so much information and so much exploration for you to do on all the regions. Between parties, roleplay, gaming or just mingling with fellow visitors the days ahead will be full of wonders.

Welcome to Opet at the Fantasy Faire 2022 Small Gods Opet - Sitting on the ledge, watching the boats FF2022 - Opet Fantasy Faire - Opet Region Fantasy Faire 2022 - Opet Opet FF2022 - Opet FF22- Opet FF2022 - Opet Opet by Alia Baroque of Fallen Gods - One Sun - Fantasy Faire 2022 - Opet

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