Dear Fallen,
Thank you so much for being part of the 13th Anniversary Festival and Contest, especially in this hard year tough on everyone seeing so much beauty and enthusiasm was a wave of good washing through the Temple.
With the outstanding number of 153 participants showcasing amazing looks, pictures and approaches to my creations it was very hard to choose, and as every year I can't thank you enough for bringing them to life. I enjoyed every single picture that came along and took my time to look at them all and appreciate the time, effort and passion taken in each one. I hope you had fun and we'll repeat the experience next year.
Alia Baroque
Don't miss to visit a Special Gallery up at the temple with all the winners!
TELEPORT to the Temple
This Year Gift Cards will be delivered to you directly, I'll also Instant Message you to let you know that you win and also congratulate you for rocking it out! Please be patient as I cover all of you as it will take me some time to reach you all personally.
★ All contestants will receive a limited edition skin set for participating. ★
I am using an automated system that will send you a message and the box when you are online: Thank You +Fallen God & Goddess Election 2020 [BOX]I am going to stop the automated delivery after two weeks of this post, if you do not login in that time and do not get your participation prize please contact me personally. Do so also in case of any missed delivery.
♱ JURY ♱
▶ First Prize: Elayne Diavolo
Fallen Goddess 2020 Title, L$10000 Gift Card
▶ Second Prize: Cayenne Republic
L$2000 Gift Card
▶ Third Prize: Clover Jinx
L$1000 Gift Card
▶ Runner up: Banshee Heartsong
L$500 Gift Card
▶ First Prize: DaveOSaurus
Fallen God 2020 Title, L$10000 Gift Card
▶ Second Prize: Linn Darkwatch
L$2000 Gift Card
▶ Third Prize: Nullandvoid
L$1000 Gift Card
▶ Runner up: Rick Daylight
L$500 Gift Card
▶ First Prize: WatsonsEmma, 182 votes
L$10000 Gift Card
▶ Second Prize: ShannonRoseLuv and Ranae Quinn, 78 votes
L$2000 Gift Card
▶ Third Prize: Rasberrykiss, 77 votes
L$1000 Gift Card
▶ Runner up: Thus Yootz, 62 votes
L$500 Gift Card
▶ First Prize: JustenTyme, 154 votes
L$10000 Gift Card
▶ Second Prize: Strimon, 82 votes
L$2000 Gift Card
▶ Third Prize: DaveOSaurus, 80 votes
L$1000 Gift Card
▶ Runner up: Cale Alcott, 78 votes
L$500 Gift Card
╔═══════════════╗ ♱ BEST ARTWORK ♱
▶ Grand Prize: Sukubia Scarmon
L$10000 Gift Card
▶ First Prize: Arualblues, Dementia Shinn, Morgana Hexem, QueenShaiya, Tamzin Xigalia, TaraAers
L$5000 Gift Card
▶ Second Prize: AbyssalSeer, Demonell, Drew Hijinks, MysticRose1, SantanaMiguel, Thus Yootz
L$2000 Gift Card
▶ Third Prize: Caitlin Tobias, JustenTyme, OrpheusofDarkness, Quarvyr Greymoon, RichardGrataineSuoh, Thakhisis
L$1000 Gift Card
▶ Runner up: Asia Ristow, Jenna Dirval, Jo Querrien, Magdalena Kamenev, Serena Wexhome, Zidye
L$500 Gift Card
▶ First Prize: Slick Johnson
L$5000 Gift Card
▶ Second Prize: Cayenne Republic, Freyja Nemeth, Lee Mechanique, Liang Scorpio, PelayolaRyukov, ViktorSavior
L$2000 Gift Card
▶ Third Prize: FoxyByNature, LadyWhite Farrior, Phaeble, Ranae Quinn, SamPuren, Susietea
L$1000 Gift Card
▶ Runner Up: Acarna Drachios, AlessandraPhilolaus Atheria, Darlingmonster Ember, IntoTheAbysmalNightSheFlew, StarryGazey, TerraWinds
L$500 Gift Card
▶ First Prize: Clover Jinx
L$5000 Gift Card
▶ Second Prize: Aelva, BlueGreyEyeGentleman, Gem Henly, MlleNikoletta, Rasberrykiss, Sugah Pancake
L$2000 Gift Card
▶ Third Prize: Cale Alcott, Cameron Baum, Chandni Khondji, DarkChangeling, Denaliav, ScarlettElizabet
L$1000 Gift Card
▶ Runner Up: Daimon Ravenhurst, Gean Shen, Lyric Longfall, Rick Daylight, SkylerStormySky, Unalunaqat
L$500 Gift Card
▶ Prize for each of the Following Awards: L$600 Gift Card
Sorsha Xaron, Strimon
AineMari Flanagan, Vasa Vella
Oxygen Staryk
▶ Prize: a CLONE
Clover Dezno
4u2bmine 38
AbyssalSeer 46
Acarna Drachios 22
Aelva 34
AeonMahina 25
AineMari Flanagan 42
AlessandraPhilolaus Atheria 30
Aradia Mistwood 22
Arualblues 36
ArwennEvenstarUndomiel 25
Asia Ristow 25
Astarynite 50
Aznana Shieldmaiden 28
Banshee Heartsong 27
Belladaine Nightfire 26
Blueray Darkes 25
Breezy Carver 21
Caitlin Tobias 28
Caitlyn Haiku 21
Cameron Baum 33
Camila795 27
CandiceTorra 29
Cayenne Republic 49
CeirwynSinclair Heartsong 24
Cestryn 27
Chandni Khondji 33
Clover Jinx 28
CloverDunne 27
Damoira 49
DeepBlueJoy 47
Dementia Shinn 36
Dena Farspire 27
Denaliav 30
EidolonIx 27
Elayne Diavolo 39
Emilly Orr 24
Evelyn Rieko 28
Fionalein 21
FoxyByNature 37
Freyja Nemeth 24
Gean Shen 40
Gem Henly 28
Gossip1980 22
Hanne Kenin 25
IntoTheAbysmalNightSheFlew 23
Isa Rovio 26
Jadeka Wirefly 23
JaJanna 26
Jenna Dirval 55
Jenny Toocool 21
Jessamine2108 44
Kara2016 23
Kerryth Tarantal 30
Kie Heartsong 26
Kirana Rawley 30
LadyStarlight Constantine 28
LadyWhite Farrior 31
Liang Scorpio 27
lilasantana1 26
Linn Darkwatch 30
Lyric Longfall 37
Magdalena Kamenev 32
marcuss2027 24
Melyna Foxclaw 28
Mermaidenab 23
Michele Hyacinth 23
Mizzi Rosca 23
Mjaucatt 25
MlleNikoletta 31
Moonlitecat 28
Morgana Hexem 35
Muiregwen 22
MysticRose1 29
NicaDeminaBank 24
NightShadows McCullough 23
Nyree Rain 31
Osire 41
Phaeble 31
Poaty 25
Prettyflower Vale 36
Psiberangel 22
PsychodelicChic 29
Qfemale Catnap 21
QueenShaiya 36
Ranae Quinn 78
RasberryKiss 77
Sablecat Camino 21
ScarlettElizabet 28
Serena Wexhome 30
ShannonRoseLuv 78
SkylerStormySky 26
Sonya Marmurek 63
Sorana 21
Sorsha Xaron 22
Stangbo 23
starrygazey 31
Sugah Pancake 30
Sukubia Scarmon 36
susietea 31
Tamzin Xigalia 40
TaraAers 24
Tarhai Breen 30
TerraWinds 22
Thakhisis 34
Thalia Lupindo 24
Thus Yootz 62
Trilby5thdimension 29
UnaLunaqat 32
WatsonsEmma 182
Whimmzy 2
Zaraklani Magne 30
Zencho Balhaus 24
Zidye 29
Ardrhys 23
Benjaminbunnykins 48
BlueGreyEyeGentleman 40
Cale Alcott 78
Casimora 24
Daimon Ravenhurst 37
darkchangeling 26
Darkgold1980 23
DaveOSaurus 80
Demonell 30
Drew Hijinks 21
Dukke Firecloak 41
garfunkeling 30
Graydirk Enoch 26
GuillesFontaine 21
Jo Querrien 30
JudiStrange 23
JustenTyme 154
Lee Mechanique 60
Linn Darkwatch 30
LouenCoeur 23
MightBeInebriated 20
NullandVoid 25
Omnifarious905 24
OrpheusOfDarkness 28
Oxygen Staryk 31
ParkerStorm 57
PelayolaRyukov 46
Quarvyr Greymoon 25
RichardGrataineSuoh 37
Rick Daylight 30
SamPuren 38
SantanaMiguel 71
Slick Johnson 34
Steve0521 23
Strimon 82
Vasa Vella 44
ViktorSavior 29
Xaver Zapatero 23
ZynWyrwing 26
Thank you and see you at the Temple in 2021!