Lately, while continuing to clear the Temple undergrounds, and placing some paws I stumbled across a wall that appeared too much new in my eyes, was already collapsing so I broke it and found a door. Took Me a while to understand the acess code but made it to enter. Inside I found strange things, which I am still figuring out what they are meant for. The only thing I know is that a certain Dharma Initiative came to Selidor before I did, a year ago, and surely after the original inhabitants since their modern design. Also a few useful outfits are to be found there, even if not so stylish, who knows you might need it for some gardening on your sim... The logos I saw there also inspired me for a few shirts, that can be found in the temple clothing area, second level, entrance wall. Help me understand that thing, and... I noticed a strange black smoke worm roaming lately around Selidor... someone is smoking too much lately here.

"Look what the cat brought Hunt"
Officially starting 1 June at Noon SLT. Don't miss the other awesome shops gifts.
Goldfishing season just started....
More info on the blog:
Many thanks for answering the poll, it gave a clear answer to what you might expect. I will place on sale soon the Fleurs series with more skin options and a more complete outfit too, promise will not take much.
Also another line that soon I will release some more incarnations of the New Gods, cannot say much except await there will be a lot of scars and freckles... anf maybe a return of the rainbow. The Elemental Full Moon Event will probably skip a few months, since I prayed them to have piety and let Me end what I have in mind for them.
And last, and of course absolutely the least:
I am great, hope you too!