Friday, December 25, 2020

Best Wishes

Dear Fallen, Libertine, Patron and Friend,
Thank you for being part of my life and for bringing the unique life blood and energy that makes Life itself worth living. I wish you a damn good following year, a serene and safe Christmas, and all the good things this world can offer. Because we need and deserve the fruits of a year of pain and sadness, make them sweet like tears so we can water a new future built upon the past.

You can find more gifts under the Tree here.
And you can know more about Yule season here.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Am honored to participate in a new event by Sollemne; Saturnalia. Always offering an amazing build and theme, inspiring and fascinating. Libertine brings you a themed Throne and a Yule gift of arazzi cushions. I hope you'll enjoy, 

The Throne is sold in two versions:
Redux / Offers single sits only, a texture change versions will be shipped with an Update in January.

Complete / A pre-order sale that offers you the Redux version included plus the Update in January with texture change options and the full adult menu.
Q: What the hell is this?
A: it’s a Pre-Order Purchase. 
Q: Why would I buy this?
A: if you are familiar with Libertine and look forward to the Adult Version this is for you. you will receive the redux version immediately and the Updated Adult Throne in January 2021

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Yule Season 2020

EXTENDED to January 11!
Dear Fallen Libertines,
The Temple pool iced for Yule, penguins are celebrating their favorite season and festivities and the Tree is back piling up gifts from me and Friends. I hope you'll enjoy what this year brings and have a serene and safe holiday season. Yours, 

About Gifts
Many gifts are scattered over many locations, so to have them all you need to visit my Friend's trees and some Events, the best way to do so is to gather the gifts at Selidor first and see who shared them and check their locations for their own Giving Tree or follow the Guide below with all Slurls.

Incoming Yule Social Events
Raglan Tiny Carolers  Sunday, 20 December 2020 at 1pm SLT

The Night Theater Presents: Home for Christmas
Premiere: December 27, Noon SLT
Encore: January 3, Noon SLT

FISHMAS (Also known as Traditional New Year Good Luck Fishslapping Celebration) January 2, 1-4pm slt, Djs David Abbot and DaveOSaurus

New Year Skin specials January 8 to January 11. (IMPORTANT during those dates you will not be able to join the Fallen Group, which is free to join all year and outside of those 4 days.)

All Friends' Trees locations:
Some trees might not be up anymore by choice of the Hosts.

Current Yule Shopping Events:
Twisted Krissmus / 5 December - 3 January / TELEPORT
A Shopping Carol 6 December - 26 December  / TELEPORT
Shop & Hop 11 December - 3 January  / TELEPORT
A Drunken Elf 12 December - 10 January  / TELEPORT
Redeux 14 December - 21 December  / TELEPORT
Secret Sale Sundays 6 & 20 December / TELEPORT 
Dirty Discounts Wednesdays 16 & 23 December / TELEPORT 
Saturnalia 17 December - 1 January TELEPORT
Holiday Season Fair 20 December - 4 January / TELEPORT

and new this year:

Friday, December 11, 2020


Yule coming soon officially this weekend while the Temple is already icing. Meanwhile if you like go check the new Symbiont tattoo made specifically for Draugr but not only, at We love RP. Hoping you'll enjoy, 

TELEPORT to We Love Roleplay