Dear Fallen,Thank you so much for being part of this 17th Anniversary Festival and Contest, your presence and enthusiasm is what every year makes the Temple and my work come to life and I am infinitely grateful to you for taking the time, effort and energy to be part of it all.
With the fantastic number of 91 participants showcasing amazing looks, pictures and approaches to my creations it was very hard to choose, I enjoyed every single picture that came along and took my time to look at them all and appreciate the time, effort and passion taken in each one. I hope you had fun and we'll repeat the experience next year.
Alia Baroque
Don't miss to visit a Special Gallery up at the temple with all the winners!
TELEPORT to the TempleSpecial Thanks to my partner, assistant and soulmate Sonya, for managing the whole contest: entries, results, interactions, assistance, compiling spreadsheets and making sure everything is listed, correct and followed through.
IMPORTANT The automated delivery of the participation prize has started, Individual Prizes deliveries will take a few days to complete. Feel free to contact me after Monday 21 in case any has capped or undelivered.
♱ HOW TO REDEEM PRIZES ♱The Gift Cards will be delivered to you directly, I'll also Instant Message you to let you know that you win and also congratulate you. Please be patient as I cover all of you as it will take me some time to reach you all personally.
♱ PRIZE FOR ALL ♱★ All contestants will receive a limited edition skin set for participating. ★
I am using an automated system that will send you a message and the box when you are online:
Thank You +Fallen God & Goddess Election 2024 [BOX]
I am going to stop the automated delivery after two weeks, if you do not login in that time and do not get your participation prize please contact me personally. Do so also in case of any missed delivery.
♱ JURY ♱▶ First Prize: Lee Mechanique & Michele Hyacinth
Fallen God or Goddess Title 2024, L$5000 Gift Card
▶ Second Prize: Ulfnir WInterwolf & Jayde Askari
L$2000 Gift Card
▶ Third Prize: JustenTyme & Nightshadows McCullough
L$1000 Gift Card
▶ Fallen Goddess, Favourites Prize: WatsonsEmma, Trilby Serenade, Cayenne Republic, JadeZhen, Damoira, Cameron Baum, Aznana Shieldmaiden, Trisha Blakewell, Tristyn Mills, Sukubia Scarmon
▶ Fallen Gods, Favourites Prize: Hollygranger, Drew Hijinks, Lee Mechanique, DaveOSaurus, RickyWilde069, TitusRemus, Cale Alcott, Cambieul Thane, Krimmknight, MaxtorFrisk
L$1000 Gift Card
Winners are the top 10 of each Side, God and Goddess
♱ BEST ARTWORK ♱▶ First Prize: Tristyn Mills & Maarliagh Brinner
L$5000 Gift Card
▶ Second Prize: Chandni Khondji, Trisha Blakewell, DaveOSaurus, Hyaecinte
L$2000 Gift Card
▶ Third Prize: DeepBlueJoy, Falbala Fairey, Trilby Serenade, Oxygen Staryk, JT Eton, Liang Scorpio
L$1000 Gift Card
♱ BEST STYLE ♱▶ First Prize: Sukubia Scarmon & MaxtorFrisk
L$2000 Gift Card
▶ Second Prize: Aznana Shieldmaiden, Rayna Aurelia, SamPuren, EoweenDawnstar
L$1000 Gift Card
▶ Third Prize: KrimmKnight, Aedenna, Magda Fairelander, Aelva Fairelander, Susietea, Hollygranger
L$500 Gift Card
♱ BEST STORY ♱▶ First Prize: Makarov Fairelander & 808080Sky
L$2000 Gift Card
▶ Second Prize: Cale Alcott, DavidRavenstone, Drew Hijinks, Freyja Nemeth
L$1000 Gift Card
▶ Third Prize: Ferren Skytower, Alyssa Fairelander, Ephemera Evergarden, Logan Elf, Luca Tigerfish, Ceri Fairelander
L$500 Gift Card
♱ SPECIAL AWARDS ♱▶ Prize for each of the Following Awards: L$500 Gift Card
▶ "Unlikely Creatures in Unlikely Places" Special Award:
Astella Warrigal & Cameron Baum
▶ "Gargoyle Goblin Gremlins LTD." Special Award:
Damoira, Cayenne Republic, Melyna Foxclaw
▶ "Garden Sprites" Special Award:
TitusRemus & JadeZhen
▶ "The Very Scary Fairelander from Beyond" Special Award:
Owlie Fairelander
♱ VERY SPECIAL FRIENDS AWARDS ♱▶ Prize: An autographed Picture of The Fortune Teller in a mankini
Clover Dezno
Cayenne Republic
4u2bmine 25
808080sky Resident 39
Aedenna 34
Aelva Fairelander 29
Alyssa Fairelander 26
Astella Warrigal 23
Aznana Shieldmaiden 46
Blueray Darkes 28
Brandyr Luminos 24
Cameron Baum 50
Camila795 25
CandiceTorra 25
Cayenne Republic 95
Ceri Fairelander 21
Chandni Khondji 35
CloverDunne 34
Damoira 53
Darlingmonster Ember 28
DeepBlueJoy 29
Denaliav 22
Dreamsphere Zeimer 24
Elayne Diavolo 25
EoweenDawnstar 39
Ephemera Evergarden 29
Falbala Fairey 31
Fionalein 24
Freyja Nemeth 24
Gossip1980 21
Hyaecinte 27
jadcat 18
JadeZhen 69
Jayde Askari 22
Jo Querrien 28
Liang Scorpio 22
Magda Fairelander 37
Melyna Foxclaw 35
Michele Hyacinth 34
Nightshadows McCullough 33
Niobe Flux 23
Nyree Rain 23
phoenix620823 19
Quaela 19
Rachel1206 16
Rayna Aurelia 36
SarahDalrymple 16
SFMandrake 27
Sidhe Fairelander 21
Sorsha Xaron 22
SpotlessShimi 13
Sukubia Scarmon 40
Susietea Resident 26
Talula Ophelia 18
Trilby Serenade 111
Trisha Blakewell 44
Tristyn Mills 42
WatsonsEmma 168
Whimmzy 27
Anjyre 17
Ard Fairelander 24
Asharr 49
Cale Alcott 60
Cambieul Thane 55
Daimon Ravenhurst 38
DaveOSaurus 89
DavidRavenstone 37
Drew Hijinks 100
Ferren Skytower 33
Graeme Fairelander 34
Hassanous2020 21
Hollygranger 102
JT Eton 30
JustenTyme 49
Krimmknight 55
Lee Mechanique 100
Logan Elf 33
Luca Tigerfish 22
LysanderOMalley 24
Maarliagh Brinner 47
Makarov Fairelander 41
MaxtorFrisk 53
Omnifarious905 22
Owlie Fairelander 23
Oxygen Staryk 28
RickyWilde069 67
SamPuren 28
Strange013 25
TitusRemus 66
TreeRat 27
Ulfnir Winterwolf 37
Xaver Zapatero 27
Zynwyr Fairelander 26
Thank you and see you at the Temple in 2025!