Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Green Garden of Updates


The Update Sale continues, this time with pure Greens, 25% off for a week. If you already own the skins you can issue a free update, the update consists in BOM optimised hands and feet, evox and more smaller fixes if eligible. Hope you enjoy,

Monday, June 10, 2024

Deep Darkness

Purples are updated at the Darkness event with a newly released Deep Moonlight tone plus Auspex, Breathless and Venus Anatomica updates discounted. Hope you enjoy,


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Doomy Updates

The Update Sale continues with Uruk Kin, all 25% off for a week. If you already own the skins you can issue a free update, the update consists in BOM optimised hands and feet, evox and more smaller fixes if eligible. Hope you enjoy,

New Uruk Releases At we Love Roleplay, more informations here.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Black Tongue

Uruk's Kin invade We Love Roleplay, with a new clay tone, shapes and Ragnar's re-released tattoo to match. Hope you enjoy,

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Updated Dreams

The Update Sale continues, this time with Onyrica, which includes now under the same line Anima, Depth, Nirvana and Aurora Borealis, all 25% off for a week. If you already own the skins you can issue a free update, the update consists in BOM optimised hands and feet, evox and more smaller fixes if eligible. Hope you enjoy,

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Angel Lust

Sigils are updated for this Wanderlust weekend, with Michael at 50L and Samael, Raphael and Gabriel 20% off. Hope you enjoy,

TELEPORT to the Temple Wanderlust

How to Update
Simply access any Casper vendor and choose redelivery or any Casper redelivery terminal.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Red Hot Chili Updates


The Update Sale continues, this time with pure reds, 25% off for a week. If you already own the skins you can issue a free update, the update consists in BOM optimised hands and feet, evox and more smaller fixes if eligible. Hope you enjoy,

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

All about the Blues

The Update Sale continues, this time with pure blues, 25% off for a week. If you already own the skins you can issue a free update, the update consists in BOM optimised hands and feet, evox and more smaller fixes if eligible. Hope you enjoy and happy after-faire,

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Live Auction

Today starting at noon slt the Fantasy Faire Live Auction will start, a lot of unique Faireland pieces and Faire related creations will be available, so don't miss the chance to bring one home. There will be also probably a stream available. All the info will be comunicated through FF groups and blog, so keep an eye. Thank you all for your support and I see you there,

Saturday, May 4, 2024

A Faire Release

The last weekend of Fantasy Faire 2024 just started and I am wrapping up all projects, some unfortunately won't see the light of day like Dinkies, but most am happy reached you, There's still a lot coming, from the live auction, parties, silent auction end, shows, bus rides and ritualistic conclusions, so don't despair as we are not over until it's over. Hope you had an excellent Faire time and I finally see you around as I try to take in this year's wonders for the first time. Yours,

Fallen Gods Inc. Quest Prize Update coming very soon today, Libertine Update is available.

What's up:
Silent Auction ending may 4th 1pm / Teleport
May the 4th Sale on Avalon / Teleport
Avalon Litfest Tour, May 4th 5-7pm slt / Teleport
Releases At Avalon / Teleport
Ritual at Avalon / Teleport
FF Quest! 
Live Auction on may 5th / Check Post with previews
Parties, events, shows / Click for Faire Calendar of Events
Bus rides / Improvised
Region Wootable / Check Post on FF Blog
Nothing absolutely happening / May 6th, 11am - 9pm slt
And probably something else I am forgetting.

All Previews:
(Live Auction Previes coming tomorrow)

Sunday, April 28, 2024


By entering a deep connection with Avalon and its nature, through music, dance and immersion, the gods of the island have awakened. Avalon's circle is open to the calling of those hidden behind the mysts and each day we perform part of a ritual. Observe the circle of stones, look for a sign and a god will call to you, and with that knowledge explore the Island and offer your respects to the appropriate shrine. Your daily ritual will be complete once you receive a blessing.

The Ritual must be completed, blessed by all the gods we'll summon the circle for its power and wisdom. I count on you, Avalon counts on you,

TELEPORT to the Circle / To start the ritual
TELEPORT to Avalon / To visit the region
TELEPORT to Ogham Grove / To learn Ogham

How to perform the Ritual
- Each deity's blessing can be obtained only during their active phase and they require initiate knowledge of the Druidic written form, Ogham. To learn Ogham you shall visit Ogham Grove where you will be taught the secrets of the words of our Gods and language of trees.

- This is not a scripted hunt, every day you will find a prize, completion of previous blessings is not related and won't prevent you from future rewards.

- The Ritual starts on Sunday 28 April and ends on Sunday 5 May

- Each blessing ritual lasts for 1 day, for a total of 7 blessings

- After all the blessings have been received the Circle will offer a final Prize for the Ritual completion

- For more informations and updates on when a new deity calls for a blessing, join the Fallen Gods Inc. official Group or Fantasy Faire Fans Group in Second Life.

- This hunt requires patience and exploration, please perform the ritual only if you enjoy such activities.


Join us today for a unique experience of music and ambience, an electronic meditative music set amongst the story of Avalon by Haze. What was meant as a mid quest celebration hopefully will be its inauguration. Hope to see you there,

HAZE - 3-5pm slt / Teleport to Avalon

Friday, April 26, 2024


Balance the scales so the forces on Avalon do not overwhelm the natural order, or dare to awaken the Dragon in all its might…

The Charm of Making is a powerful spell, it awakens the power of the Dragon from his slumber at the service of those searching for the strength of nature to dominate it. Magic so powerful that needs the equal strength of wisdom to keep the Natural world safe from the flooding mystical fog of his breath.

Two exclusive skin sets will be available only for the duration of the event at the price of 990 L$ each, never to be sold again. Each skin set includes both genders. The whole event is to benefit RFL of SL.
Skin previews are coming soon.

If you know in advance that you cannot be there, but wish to purchase these skins, contact Sonya Marmurek before the event. If you pay the skins to her, she will put the money into the RFL kiosks during the event, and the skins will be manually delivered to you in a few days after the event.

There will be additional Event platforms on Miralume and Ogham Grove for when the region gets full. Slurls will be posted a few hours before the event starts.

Hope to see you there,