Sunday, July 19, 2015

Paradise Lost

The World Is My Marble

I was there, I walked the sands, barefoot.... the seagulls chanting, the strong winds and powerful clouds hiding the sun just to let the rays escape and create drawings of sky.
I was there, the waves covered and hid my steps as I walked through, sometimes till my knees... 
I walked the sands, and my mind was back and was forward.

What if.... 

The Brief Dance of Life

What if that moment I walked the sands I wasn't able to really see where I am, where I am walking and where I am heading. What if that moment I didn't imprint in my memory my life as it was then?
The future is now, the future is never, there is only 

The Long Walk

- About Paradise Lost-
Paradise is our awareness of the richness of our lives in their moment of living, it's a constant memory gone and yet a constant expectation. Being in the now is probably the only way to really appreciate our past and hope for the future.
Beaches are great for long walks that reconnect us to ourselves, in a strange way those walks can be a way to clear our thoughts and just...stop, while walking and waking.

Due to fortunate circumstances this year I was forced to a more minimal building approach, for those that are familiar with my work this might look strange, and it did feel strange at first, but it became so far my favourite build ever.
Being able to use a two sims wide area was such a wonderful invite to a wasteland, a sea and desert embrace.
I hope you will enjoy and find solace here as I hope the same every year, 
Good Relay my friends, 


Dont' forget, it lasts only till today but can be visited till the 23

Paradise Lost 
Food for thoughts:
Enter your core
Your World, your imagination.
Nothing is lost if it's never owned.
You don't have to own to experience.
Strive to own yourself.
Be happy.

Courtesy pictures by my favourite Bunny and Unicorn, a picture by a Tiny Relayer Bunny and by  the toughest of all Ursula.

Breathe in the Now The World is Watching Within the World We Dream Where the Sky Touches the Sea Paradise Lost by Alia Baroque Paradise Lost by Alia Baroque Paradise Lost by Alia Baroque RFL Awreness RFL2015Map

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