Monday, January 16, 2017

The Gift of Cheerfulness


Be a Gift to yourself with the lightness of spirit brought soon by the season of Carnival: when the months are leaving the darkness and returning to the light it's the hardest and coldest part of the year, this is when we need both love and silliness. Cadeau, Costume Edition Gacha at Epiphany is out, a fancy collaboration with Etor and Titania from Faida,
Hope you enjoy, 

Official Website: The-Epiphany
SLurl: The-Epiphany

And if you are having trouble accessing the sim, today starts the Vintage Gacha Fair!
Check it out here: SLurl.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Ice & Fire

Dear Fallens, I wish to thank you all for supporting me all in this past 2016 and as a token of my appreciation and gratitude for sticking into the insanity of my official Group, here's a present with my best wishes for a hot steamy 2017. Yours,
The Fish Carver

The Group is currently closed to Join till the 9th of January, midnight SLT.  Skins will be sold in regular fashion after the Group Promotion and the Group will return to the free join status. Location for the aquisition of the Group Gift is given through the Group Notices system.

PARTY AT 1pm SLT TODAY! Bring your damn fish, flippersteins! 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Usual New Year?

Ah, traditions: when you follow them they might seem unimaginative and repetitive, but once you miss one a huge emptiness carves us inside. For this reason I try to never to give up on our Fallen Traditions, especially the silly ones like: The Annual New Year Fishslapping Traditional Good Luck Disco Ceremony, also know as WTF Penguins, or the Usual Penguins (from this year on).
An event created to gather together and celebrate the fresh new year, the clean slate, the blank paper and the ongoing of years in each other's company.

On Saturday, January 7, 2017 we will Gather at Selidor, in the Temple's Pool to slap the hell out of you, maybe even Conga, on the tunes provided by our favourite Brit, DJ David Abbot and maybe even a random Aine, who knows... All as our Real selves and nature: Penguins.
Please carry your own fish, we won't provide herrings.
The Fish Carver

The Fallen Gods Inc. Official SL Group will be closed to join from tomorrow Friday the 6th (night slt hours) till Monday 9th at midnight SLT for a very ancient tradition that elder Fallens might secretely tell you about. No Exceptions will be made, you are in or you are out.- ( So don't leave it if you are in, or if you like Fallen Gods Genetics slap your alts in and tell a friend)