Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Slow steps over the reinvention of the first Libertine set are here with the armchair Marquise, new at We Love Roleplay. Hope you enjoy,

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Canterbury Gothic

The new Canterbury series of designs is live with a new Chair and Pew, both 30% off and with Complete and Redux sale options. Find them at Midnight Order and We Love Roleplay,

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Odin's Throne is now available and newly released at Wild Haunt. The event is open just for a few days still with a fun Hunt and amazing glacial releases. Redux & Complete versions available, all 30% off. Hope you enjoy,


P.S. Thanks a bunch to the Event team for supporting me and waiting for the release as I went through a lot of technical hurdles this January, Cheers!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Fishmas, AKA the Traditional New Year Good Luck Fishslapping Experience, will happen this Saturday, January 11, 1-5pm slt, at Selidor's Pool. Bring your own Herriings!

TELEPORT to the Temple

Gifts Still available under the Tree

ADDENDUM: About the LA Fire
Every Year I pick a famous movie poster to rework for Fishmas, this year I unknowinlgy picked Beverly Hills Cop unaware a fire just started decimating Los Angeles and the Area (I am european). The fact the song that goes with it is "the heat is on" is not really helping. So just you know, this is an unhappy coincidence. I will keep the poster, hoping fish and ice from our slapping manages to extinguish the fire and bring some rain soon.